Keyboard Ninja v0.1.0 Bin: 0
1 key/second
Cost: 10
Count: 0
5 keys/second
Cost: 250
Count: 0
10 keys/second
Cost: 1.00K
Count: 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00
Q0 W0 E0 R0 T0 Y0 U0 I0 O0 P0
A0 S0 D0 F0 G0 H0 J0 K0 L0
Z0 X0 C0 V0 B0 N0 M0

White Belt

Keys Per Press: 1
Scripts: 0/s

Total Keys Pressed: 0

Information Legend Achievements Options

100 key presses 100 1,000 key presses 1K 10,000 key presses 10K 100,000 key presses 100K

Pressed each number #s Pressed each letter Ls

Earned yellow belt    Earned gold belt    Earned orange belt    Earned green belt    Earned blue belt    Earned purple belt    Earned brown belt    Earned red belt    Earned black belt    Earned master black belt    Earned one master black belt key Mk

Deployed 10 Simple Scripts S1x10

Required amount for individual key belts
Yellow: 25
Gold: 75
Orange: 150
Green: 400
Blue: 1000
Purple: 2500
Brown: 7500
Red: 15000
Black: 50000
Master Black: 100000
Bin: This is the number of keys you are holding to purchase/deploy scripts
Scripts: Each script you deploy will automatically select a random key to press on its own
Keys: Each individual key can upgrade to a belt color upon the number of presses it receives
Belt: Your current belt; this will change when all keys upgrade to the next color
Keys Per Press: Keys earned with each manual press; increased upon each belt upgrade

Programmed & Designed by: Erich

Hard Reset
All game data will be lost, are you sure?
Yes No